VI MEC Providers

VI MEC Providers

Find a MEC Doctor

Find the right doctor, choose the right care

Your health plan is made up of an extensive network of doctors, hospitals, clinics, and other health care providers nationwide.

Need care in the U.S. Virgin Islands?

Outpatient care (Physician, lab, X-rays and other providers)

VI Equicare

To search for in-network providers, visit: find-healthcare-provider

Inpatient Care (Hospitals)

Schneider Regional Medical Center

For Inpatient Care, you can schedule with your provider access at

Gov. Juan F. Luis Hospital

For Inpatient Care, you can schedule with your provider access at

You can find information on our network doctors, specialists, hospitals and other medical facilities by visiting myElanHealth

Want to go Stateside (United States) for care?

Access to First Health Limited Benefit Network including physician and ancillary providers with more than 5,100 hospitals, 110,000 ancillary facilities, and more than 695,000 health care professionals. 

You can find information on our network doctors, specialists, hospitals and other medical facilities in the U.S. & Virgin Islands by visiting